Covid-19 Information & Guidelines
Things to Know Before Booking & Going On Tour with Us
The safety of our guests, team and fellow-Alaskans is always our highest priority. Covid-19 is an ongoing, serious public health issue and 907 Tours is committed to helping you make informed choices before and while traveling with us and throughout the State of Alaska.
907 Tours Best Practices in Response to Covid-19
All 907 Tours guides and other staff are fully vaccinated against Covid-19
Guide will ensure that his/her hands are thoroughly washed prior to the tour and throughout the day.
No guide experiencing any symptoms of any kind will be authorized to guide a tour.
The surfaces of the van that come in contact with guests and guides will be cleaned and disinfected after each use in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Hand sanitizer will be made available to guests while on tour.
Guest Requirements in Response to Covid-19
It is your responsibility to review and abide by all State of Alaska and Anchorage local health mandates. These can be found here.
Per these guidelines, if you are currently required to minimize interactions with others or self-quarantine, you are not eligible to participate in a tour.
No guests exhibiting symptoms will be allowed on the tour.
A list of Covid-19 symptoms is available here.
Masks are available for any guest that would like to wear one.
Each tour van will have hand sanitizer available for your use, but guests are encouraged to also bring their own sanitizer and/or wipes
Please contact us at 907-947-9425 or at reservations@907toursalaska.com